Woke, Inc - Vivek Ramaswamy


ISBN: 978-1800750937

Verdict: 👍👍 👍

 I was drawn to this book after watching Vivek on the American GOP Primary Debates, where I felt he performed very well, so wanted to know more about this ‘America first’ candidate.

I was hooked until I got to the last bit and his promotion on views on ‘civic service’ which has both pros and cons.

The book is targeted, as one would expect, for an American audience and references US laws and examples  throughout, however the underlying principles are worth of noting.

 Some bits from the book that I found interesting;

  •  “Basically, being woke means obsessing about race, gender, and sexual orientation. Maybe climate change too.” – p5
  • “When companies use their market power to make moral rules, they effectively prevent those other citizens from having the same say in our democracy.” p19. 
  • "Maintaining the appearance of virtue becomes more important than the virtue itself” p156. 
  • “That leads to a classical error made by professional politicians: using yesterday’s toolkit to fight today’s problems” p195. 
  • "The lesson was clear: extol free speech publicly but keep controversial thoughts to yourself. Got it” p262.
  • “Part of what I’m saying is that bankers should shut up and bank”. p276.

 In summary this book is a good read with really interesting observations / views especially around woke capitalism


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