The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story - Michael Lewis

ISBN : 0-393-048133 Verdict : 👍👍 👍👍 If like me you grew up during the internet period of the 90’s - a period when ridiculous money was made by a few, who had first mover advantages, taking advantage of new business models using the internet as the channel - you will love this book especially if you were a Netscape Browser user like me hence my 4 thumbs ! The author followed the billionare Jim Clarke for years , observing and capturing key bits of information i.e. the early world of Jim Clark the founder of Silicon Graphics, Netscape and Healtheon (all billion dollar companies) – he shares a lot but not the intricate details e.g. he mentions the Microsoft Monopoly case but doesn’t tell us about the outcomes . My favourite quote in the book is – “ a thousand people don’t build anything, if you need to build something really complicated really fast, you hire fifty of the smartest people you can find ” p77 This made me smile - Clark had a...